The method argument

Almost every function in ggdensity accepts a method argument—this is true for geom_hdr() and other layer functions (geom_hdr_lines(), geom_hdr_points(), …), as well as get_hdr() and get_hdr_1d(). This vignette summarizes the many ways in which the method argument can be specified; first looking at it from a more basic perspective, then from the perspective of a developer wanting to implement additional estimators.

Using ggdensity’s method_*() functions

First, let’s load the necessary packages and generate some sample data.

library("ggdensity"); theme_set(theme_minimal(8))
#> Loading required package: ggplot2
theme_update(legend.position = "none") # Suppressing legends for readability
df <- data.frame(x = rnorm(500), y = rnorm(500))
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y))
p + geom_point()

The easiest way to plot HDRs with geom_hdr() (or any other layer function from ggdensity) with a specified density estimator is to provide a character object to the method argument:

p + geom_hdr(method = "kde")

p + geom_hdr(method = "mvnorm")

p + geom_hdr(method = "histogram")

p + geom_hdr(method = "freqpoly")

However, as of ggdensity v1.0.0 there is an alternative approach—providing a method_*() function call:

p + geom_hdr(method = method_kde())

p + geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm())

p + geom_hdr(method = method_histogram())

p + geom_hdr(method = method_freqpoly())

The default behaviors of these two approaches are the same and always will be—in this way, they are completely interchangeable. However, the method_*() function call is required to estimate HDRs with non-default estimator parameters. For example, we can set the adjust parameter to apply a multiplicative adjustment to the heuristically determined bandwidth in method_kde() (which itself uses the one computed by MASS::bandwidth.nrd()):

p + geom_hdr(method = method_kde(adjust = 1/2))

The relevant parameters for each method are documented in their respective ?method_* help pages. Note that these parameters can not be provided to geom_hdr() or stat_hdr() and thus are not accessible if a character value is provided to method.

The method argument of get_hdr() functions in the same way:

res <- get_hdr(df, method = method_kde(adjust = 1/2))

#> List of 3
#>  $ df_est:'data.frame':  10000 obs. of  5 variables:
#>   ..$ x               : num [1:10000] -3.01 -2.94 -2.87 -2.8 -2.73 ...
#>   ..$ y               : num [1:10000] -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 ...
#>   ..$ fhat            : num [1:10000] 4.72e-17 1.30e-15 2.88e-14 5.16e-13 7.44e-12 ...
#>   ..$ fhat_discretized: num [1:10000] 2.00e-19 5.50e-18 1.22e-16 2.18e-15 3.15e-14 ...
#>   ..$ hdr             : num [1:10000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ breaks: Named num [1:5] 0.00422 0.01273 0.03024 0.07544 Inf
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "99%" "95%" "80%" "50%" ...
#>  $ data  :'data.frame':  500 obs. of  3 variables:
#>   ..$ x             : num [1:500] -0.626 0.184 -0.836 1.595 0.33 ...
#>   ..$ y             : num [1:500] 0.0773 -0.2969 -1.1832 0.0113 0.9916 ...
#>   ..$ hdr_membership: num [1:500] 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.95 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 ...

For details on the output of get_hdr(), see ?get_hdr.

method_*_1d() functions

In ggdensity, it is possible to estimate and plot 1-dimensional HDRs with geom_hdr_rug() and get_hdr_1d(). These functions also accept a method argument, but they do not accept the previously discussed method_*() functions. Instead they accept the 1-dimensional analogues: method_*_1d().

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = method_kde_1d())

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = method_norm_1d())

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = method_histogram_1d())

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = method_freqpoly_1d())

Just like we saw with geom_hdr(), geom_hdr_rug() also accepts character values for method:

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = "kde")

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = "norm")

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = "histogram")

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = "freqpoly")

Because the return values of the method_*() functions are incompatible with the 1-dimensional HDR estimation procedure, if a 2-dimensional method is specified the following error message is issued:

p + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_hdr_rug(method = method_kde()) 
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_hdr_rug()`.
#> Caused by error in `get_hdr_1d()`:
#> ! Invalid `method` argument -- did you forget the `_1d()`?

Lastly, we see that the method argument of get_hdr_1d() behaves similarly.

res <- get_hdr_1d(df$x, method = method_kde_1d())

#> List of 3
#>  $ df_est:'data.frame':  512 obs. of  4 variables:
#>   ..$ x               : num [1:512] -3.01 -2.99 -2.98 -2.97 -2.95 ...
#>   ..$ fhat            : num [1:512] 0.00727 0.00748 0.00768 0.00788 0.00808 ...
#>   ..$ fhat_discretized: num [1:512] 9.73e-05 1.00e-04 1.03e-04 1.05e-04 1.08e-04 ...
#>   ..$ hdr             : num [1:512] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
#>  $ breaks: Named num [1:5] 0.0188 0.0561 0.1599 0.3143 Inf
#>   ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:5] "99%" "95%" "80%" "50%" ...
#>  $ data  :'data.frame':  500 obs. of  2 variables:
#>   ..$ x             : num [1:500] -0.626 0.184 -0.836 1.595 0.33 ...
#>   ..$ hdr_membership: num [1:500] 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.95 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.5 ...

Again, for details on the above output of get_hdr_1d(), see ?get_hdr_1d.

A detailed look at method_*() functions

Now that we understand the ways in which method can be specified let’s look at the internals of the method_*() functions. Note: the implementations discussed in this section depend heavily on topics in functional programming, especially closures and function factories. While not necessary, a good understanding of these ideas is helpful—the linked chapters from Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R are a great place to start.

Looking at the definition of method_kde(), we see that it is a function of h and adjust, returning a closure with arguments data, n, rangex, and rangey. The closure passes the x and y columns of data to MASS::kde2d(), returning the estimated density evaluated on a grid with columns x, y, and fhat. This closure is what geom_hdr() expects as its method argument, and is how the HDRs are estimated (via get_hdr()).

function (h = NULL, adjust = c(1, 1)) 
    function(data, n, rangex, rangey) {
        if (is.null(h)) {
            h <- c(MASS::bandwidth.nrd(data$x), MASS::bandwidth.nrd(data$y))
        h <- h * adjust
        kdeout <- MASS::kde2d(x = data$x, y = data$y, n = n, 
            h = h, lims = c(rangex, rangey))
        df <- with(kdeout, expand.grid(x = x, y = y))
        df$fhat <- as.vector(kdeout$z)
<bytecode: 0x558eb0abb8e0>
<environment: namespace:ggdensity>

Both method_histogram() and method_freqpoly() behave similarly, accepting parameters governing the density estimation procedure and returning a closure with arguments data, n, rangex, and rangey. However, these functions are significantly more complicated as the density estimation procedures are implemented entirely in ggdensity.

method_mvnorm() is different in a few ways. The closure it returns is a function of just one argument: data. This is because it does not return the estimated density evaluated on a grid. Instead, it returns yet another closure with (vectorized) arguments x and y. As in method_kde(), the return value of the closure is a representation of the estimated pdf. The difference is the manner in which the pdf is represented. Whereas before we had a pdf defined by a discrete approximation on a grid, we now have an explicit definition of the pdf in terms of x and y.

function () 
    function(data) {
        data_matrix <- with(data, cbind(x, y))
        mu_hat <- colMeans(data_matrix)
        R <- chol(cov(data_matrix))
        function(x, y) {
            X <- cbind(x, y)
            tmp <- backsolve(R, t(X) - mu_hat, transpose = TRUE)
            logretval <- -sum(log(diag(R))) - log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * 
<bytecode: 0x558eb1a03238>
<environment: namespace:ggdensity>

To summarize each of the above cases: in the first example, the method_*() function returned a closure with arguments data, n, rangex, and rangey which itself returned the estimated density evaluated on a grid; in the second, the method_*() function returned a closure with a single argument, data, which itself returned a closure with arguments x and y, representing the estimated density explicitly. In both cases, the method_*() function can have any number of parameters governing the density estimation procedure.

These are the two ways the method argument may be specified. The first is necessary for cases in which an explicit definition of the estimated density is not computationally feasible (for example, KDEs). The second is an easier option for the cases in which a closed form of the estimated density is available (for example, parametric estimators).

Let’s look at how we might define our own method_*() functions in each case, beginning with a simple parametric estimator.

Implementing a method returning a PDF

In ggdensity, method_mvnorm() estimates HDRs based on the parametric multivariate normal model. If we wanted to fit a simpler model in which the data is further assumed to be independent, we could implement method_mvnorm_ind().

method_mvnorm_ind <- function() {
  function(data) {
    xbar <- mean(data$x)
    ybar <- mean(data$y)
    sx <- sd(data$x)
    sy <- sd(data$y)
    # joint pdf is simply the product of the marginals
    function(x, y) dnorm(x, xbar, sx) * dnorm(y, ybar, sy)

To use our method_mvnorm_ind(), we just need to supply it to geom_hdr()’s method argument.

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind())

If we transform our data to have non-zero covariance we still see the major and minor axes of the contours coincide with the plot axes—exactly what we would expect with this (incorrectly) constrained model.

A <- matrix(c(
  2*cos(pi/6), -2*sin(pi/6),
  1*sin(pi/6),  1*cos(pi/6)
), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2)

df_rot <- %*% A)
colnames(df_rot) <- c("x", "y")

ggplot(df_rot, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind()) +
  geom_point(size = .4) +
  coord_fixed(xlim = c(-6, 6), ylim = c(-6, 6))

Notice, method_mvnorm_ind() accepts no arguments. The density estimation procedure is so simple that there are no parameters to govern it. To allow for circular models in which the fitted variances are required to be equal, we can implement a circular argument.

method_mvnorm_ind <- function(circular = FALSE) {
  function(data) {
    xbar <- mean(data$x)
    ybar <- mean(data$y)
    if (circular) {
      sx <- sd(c(data$x - xbar, data$y - ybar))
      sy <- sx
    } else {
      sx <- sd(data$x)
      sy <- sd(data$y)
    function(x, y) dnorm(x, xbar, sx) * dnorm(y, ybar, sy)

Now, the contours are perfectly circular.

ggplot(df_rot, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind(circular = TRUE)) +
  geom_point(size = .4) +
  coord_fixed(xlim = c(-6, 6), ylim = c(-6, 6))

In the above plot, the upper and lower portions of the HDRs are cut off. This is because the default behavior of ggdensity is to not draw HDRs outside of the “bounding box” around observed data. This is not because we are using a custom method_*() function. To fix this, we need to either set a better ylim value for geom_hdr() or specify a larger range in scale_y_continuous().

ggplot(df_rot, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind(circular = TRUE), ylim = c(-6, 6)) +
  geom_point(size = .4) +
  coord_fixed(xlim = c(-6, 6), ylim = c(-6, 6))

ggplot(df_rot, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind(circular = TRUE)) +
  geom_point(size = .4) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-6, 6)) +
  coord_fixed(xlim = c(-6, 6), ylim = c(-6, 6))

Notice, neither of these approaches involve arguments to method_mvnorm_ind(). Internally, the closure returned by method_mvnorm_ind() is used by get_hdr(), along with information from the scales associated with the ggplot object. It is the scales that need adjusting, not anything related to the method argument.

Implementing a method returning an evaluated PDF

To illustrate the other case, in which the object returned by the closure is the estimated density evaluated on a grid, we implement method_mvnorm_ind_grid(). This estimates the same independent normal density as method_mvnorm_ind(), the only difference is the behavior of the returned closure.

method_mvnorm_ind_grid <- function() {
  function(data, n, rangex, rangey) {
    # First, we estimate the density -----------------------------
    xbar <- mean(data$x)
    ybar <- mean(data$y)
    sx <- sd(data$x)
    sy <- sd(data$y)
    f_est <- function(x, y) dnorm(x, xbar, sx) * dnorm(y, ybar, sy)
    # Return the density evaluated on a grid ---------------------
    # df_grid defined by rangex, rangey, and n
    df_grid <- expand.grid(
      x = seq(rangex[1], rangex[2], length.out = n),
      y = seq(rangey[1], rangey[2], length.out = n)
    df_grid$fhat <- f_est(df_grid$x, df_grid$y)

See that returned closure has additional arguments n, rangex, and rangey which define the grid. Also, the grid is represented a data.frame with columns x, y, and fhat, where fhat is the (potentially unnormalized) density estimate.

Again, to use our method_mvnorm_ind_grid() we provide it to geom_hdr()’s method argument.

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
  geom_hdr(method = method_mvnorm_ind_grid())

Like we saw in the previous example, we could prevent the HDRs from being “cut off” by specifying either the x/ylim arguments in geom_hdr() or by setting a larger range in scale_x/y_continuous().

The method_*_1d() functions

We saw before that ggdensity uses method_*_1d() functions for the estimation of 1-dimensional densities. The internals of these functions are very similar to the method_*() functions, the only differences are slight changes to the arguments and return values of the returned closures.

Looking at the definition of method_kde_1d(), we see the returned closure has arguments x, n, and range. This is very similar to method_kde(), the only difference is we are now dealing with univariate data: the vector argument x is used instead of data, and we have a single range parameter instead of rangex and rangey. Similarly, the closure now returns the estimated density evaluated on a univariate grid, with columns x and fhat instead of the bivariate grid with columns x, y, and fhat. Finally, see that method_kde_1d() accepts several arguments governing the density estimation procedure just like method_kde().

function (bw = "nrd0", adjust = 1, kernel = "gaussian", weights = NULL, 
    window = kernel) 
    function(x, n, range) {
        nx <- length(x)
        if (is.null(weights)) {
            weights <- rep(1/nx, nx)
        else {
            weights <- normalize(weights)
        dens <- stats::density(x, bw = bw, adjust = adjust, kernel = kernel, 
            weights = weights, window = window, n = n, from = range[1], 
            to = range[2])
        data.frame(x = dens$x, fhat = dens$y)
<bytecode: 0x558eae5b0170>
<environment: namespace:ggdensity>

Estimated univariate densities can also be represented explicitly, as illustrated by method_norm_1d(). Comparing this to the previously discussed method_mvnorm() we see that little has changed: the closure is now a function of a vector x instead of data and returns a function of one variable (x) instead of two (x and y).

function () 
    function(x) {
        mu_hat <- mean(x)
        sigma_hat <- sd(x)
        function(x) dnorm(x, mu_hat, sigma_hat)
<bytecode: 0x558eb1322630>
<environment: namespace:ggdensity>

Additional method_*_1d() functions can be implemented in the same way as the 2-dimensional method_*() functions, so long as the returned closure is structured in one of the two ways we have seen here.